Ice Hockey in Streatham is well worth a look

January 07, 2015  •  20 Comments
I dropped in to watch the Streatham Redskins over play Cardiff before Christmas. I was keen to see what the vibe is like for my local Ice Hockey team. The last game I watched live was most likely in 2004 when I lived in the States. So it's been a while and to be fair I really enjoyed returning to the rink. This is a very fast paced sport and the competitive edged was very high amongst all players.  
Cardiff were the travelling side and this is a great arena for them to play in at this level.  Streatham Ice Rink is around 1 year old now and it makes a great social environment for people of all ages to go and watch. There were families enjoying and afternoon out, teenagers through to a few retired folk. There area even couples there and why not, it's a good way to spend a couple of hours on the weekend, drinking a beer and watching live entertainment. 
I was impressed and would recommend it to people who are in search of a new spectacle. I'll be back soon I'm sure.    

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